Group Work, Coaching & Mentoring
I now offer group & individual coaching on the themes of personal transformation, spiritual development, and male initiation
A core component of my work is the focus on ‘spiritual rebirth’ in a time of decline. Such rebirth doesn’t happen randomly but begins inside each man as he cleans away the wreckage and cobwebs within and rediscovers his roots.
This is why I offer coaching and mentoring in personal transformation, both in an individual and group context.
The ‘work’ entails inner renewal, self-development and male/spiritual initiation undertaken in a traditionalist context. If you’re ready to embark now, enquire below, if you’d like to learn more, read on:
What does the work look like?
While I am open to bespoke offerings, I follow a 7-step model that charts a journey of death and rebirth, inner transformation and external growth. The process goes as follows:
Step 1: Personal Inventory
The psychoanalyst Carl Jung once said: ‘The tree that reaches heaven has its roots in hell,’ meaning to discover inner peace we must first explore and integrate our ‘darkness’.
In essence, to be a ‘free man’, you must understand the drivers and demons within. These 'shadow' forces most often come in the form of resentments, anger and fears.
Every man has his fair share of these. We wouldn't be human if we didn't.
You may not notice how these things influence you in daily life, but once we locate and integrate such dark drivers transformation begins quite quickly.
Step 2: Death & Rebirth
After clearing away the cobwebs, next we embark upon a 'symbolic death'. This is a relinquishing of an egocentric identity rooted in fear and limitation and an opening up to an earthier, simpler mode of being.
This step demands that we let go of all that holds us back, meaning sacrifice, forgiveness and letting go of past (and familiar) resentments are paramount.
Step 2 is akin to leaving the village behind and moving out into a new spiritual horizon in which life, or God the Father, becomes our guide.
Step 3: The Great Tradition
Step 3 sees us respond to life in a new way. Where in the past we’d all too easily get lost in the inner and outer noise, now we learn to be calm, restful, and unmoved by the drama of life. Still in the spirit.
This is intuitive for some, yet for many (myself included) we need the wise guidance of our Tradition and its teachers to light the way.
Here we understand both our ‘higher’ and ‘lower’ natures, as well as how to respond to these energies in the world.
In step 3 we implement daily practices that connect us with the great national, cultural and spiritual teachers, thereby finding the armour to safeguard us through the challenges, temptations and trapdoors of modernity.
Step 4: Your Life Mission
Step 4 sees us step into the practicalities of navigating modernity, answering how we live our deepest truth in a materialistic and nihilistic era.
We must deal with practicalities such as how you make a solid living, support a family, stay healthy, navigate challenges, and build a healthy and like-minded community.
Step 5: The World of Men
Traditional masculine guidance is sadly lacking today and in this step, we explore the classic masculine archetypes of the King, Warrior, Magician and Lover in a bid to reawaken earthier root identity within.
We also explore how to handle confrontation and conflict, how to be assertive rather than aggressive/anxious, and how to debate and deal with the modern world as a man.
We end this step by (re)connecting with key men in your life (elders, mentors, students, and so on).
Step 6: The World of Women
Women have always been a riddle to men because they’re supposed to be. As modernity attempts to make men and women the same, we lose the vital friction between the sexes, we lose natural energetic flow.
In this step, we explore how women see the world, how they really see men (despite what they say) and how modernity lies to us about masculine and feminine relations.
Understanding ‘polarity’ and ‘female nature’ is life-changing and will enhance your dating and marriage life, as well as your understanding of masculine and feminine forms of cultural and religious expression.
Most vitally, you’ll learn how to deal with the feminine side of life.
Step 7: The Eternal Circle
The final step sees us recap the journey we’ve been on and then build a practice we can rely on for life.
This practice revolves around the cyclical nature of life and the understanding that— while we must strive to do, say and fight for what is right—we maintain a calm and true disposition.
We aim to be, as the Christian teaching states, ‘…in the world but not of the world'.
How is the work done?
The work is done online via Zoom sessions with both group and individual options available.
One week is given to each step, with two sessions on a given step per week. Calls are conducted in the evenings at 7pm (UK time).
As well as the calls, there’s a moderate amount of work to be done in between alongside a few rituals marking each step on the journey.
What’s your background?
Before starting Richard the Fourth, I amassed 7 years of personal transformation coaching experience working with men in areas such as career, relationships, spiritual unfoldment and male initiation.
For those interested in doing the work, I can provide testimonials from previous clients on request. They are on request as previous clients have requested to not have their testimonials on a free-to-access site. Just DM me below if interested.
Will you take the ‘King’ avatar off during calls?
What’s the aim of the work, what sort of man will I be after completing it?
The work aims to clean out your life internally and externally so you can approach life with a clear heart, mind and soul.
This is essential for living authentically, being the best man, partner and father you can be, and dealing with the temptations and trapdoors of modernity.
After this, we drill down on aligning with tradition, exploring how this can guide you through the storms of life and offer you an infinite wellspring of insight and wisdom, before building a life plan that it’s your mission to carry out.
The man that emerges from the work is the same you, only evolved, deeper, earthier, wiser. A man with renewed vigour ready to embrace life and its challenges to its fullest.
Great, I want to do this. Where do I begin?
Just DM me below, or reach out to me via email at:
The plan is to work in group intakes, which is more cost-effective for you and allows me to work with more men at once, I aim to do five intakes a year, so a new one is always just around the corner.
For a more exclusive offering, I also work 1-on-1.